Our services

  • Internal Medicine

    This specialty focus its care on adult patients only. Their practice includes preventative care and management of chronic diseases.

  • Family Medicine

    These practitioners have a broad base of knowledge and training. They are able to care for both pediatric and adult patients.

  • Telemed Appointments

    These virtual appointment are made through a secure line to maintain and protect patient’s privacy. Call our office to schedule a time that works for you.

  • In House Lab Draw

    We want to provide our patients the added convenience of having their blood drawn on location.

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)

    This is a quick and painless test used to help diagnose and monitor different types of heart conditions. Electrodes placed on the chest allows the machine to record the heart’s electrical activity.

  • Joint Injections

    Joint injections are most commonly used in the treatment of pain associated with arthritis. This type of treatment reduces the amount of inflammation on the affected joint and can provide relief for up to a month.

  • 24/7 Account Access

    Access your patient portal anytime from anywhere. Some of the functions include but are not limited to appointment scheduling, review test results, send messages to your provider, and patient education.

  • IV Hydration

    IV hydration involves delivering fluids directly into a person's bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) line. This method is commonly used in medical settings to treat dehydration, provide nutrients, or administer medications.